Tag Archives: major

Major Tourist Attractions In Japan

By | March 28, 2023

Major Tourist Attractions In Japan – Which tourist attraction in Japan is the most popular today? We count down the latest ranking of the top 10 tourist spots in Japan chosen by international travelers according to the world’s largest travel website, Tripadvisor “top 30 attractions in Japan” !! Koyasan (Mt.Koya) was introduced by Kobo Daishi, Kukai as a… Read More »

Major Tourist Attractions In Queensland

By | March 5, 2023

Major Tourist Attractions In Queensland – The second state of Australia, Queensland, welcomes millions of visitors each year. In fact, the region has different landscapes, climates, heavenly beaches and islands that make it a popular tourist destination. With 5 World Heritage Sites and thousands of species of wildlife, the state of Queensland itself is a natural wonder like… Read More »

Major Tourist Attractions In Peru

By | March 3, 2023

Major Tourist Attractions In Peru – When it comes to experiencing the history, culture and natural features of South America, one country in particular offers all three and more. Located on the west coast of the African continent, Peru offers a variety of landscapes to explore, cultural influences and activities to keep you occupied or relaxed. Peru’s biodiversity… Read More »